It seems everywhere we go, no matter the occasion, we’re yearning for a sense of relief. A comfort in where we stand. And for many of us, it’s not just where we stand. It’s how we stand and what’s keeping us going. It’s easy to forget (and neglect) what allows us to stay active and on to our next venture. After all, the root of what keeps us stable, upright, and moving, is our feet.
An anodyne, by definition, is something that brings you a sense of soothing and comfort. The comfort we desire (and in some cases need) is unique to each of us. We believe that you deserve shoes that will meet your comfort and style needs, and allow you to maintain an active, healthy and productive lifestyle.
In a far too stagnant market of comfort-based footwear, we’re bringing you an unparalleled collection of therapeutic and, at the very same time, refined footwear. At Anodyne, we’ve avoided the commercial vision of quick and easy comfort. Instead, we’ve returned to the fundamental roots of footwear – meticulous design, quality craftsmanship, and rigorous attention to detail. We’re re-inventing the paradigm in comfort, and we want you to experience it firsthand.